
by Chandra Sundeep

Darkness descends all over, 

and yet sleep is nowhere near.

The nights are cold and bare,

without your warmth near me.


The silence tugs at my heart, a piercing pain.

Wish I could hear your snores again

The sheets have your musky fragrance,

it seeps into my heart, and yet,

all I feel is a tumultuous turbulence.


Every moment I cry for you,

and yet my misty eyes cannot see you.

Sleepless nights, many I’ve spent,

this bereavement, I so repent.


Wish I had more time..

to spend with you

I would have told you countless times

I love you…


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1 comment

I stand surrounded by mortals-Alone in the midst of crowd-Wordsopedia April 15, 2021 - 2:24 pm

[…] I feel your pain, for it’s a part of me […]


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