No more validation!

by Chandra Sundeep

I searched and searched

For a ray of hope

To pull me from the abyss


I prayed and prayed

For one righteous being

Who would stand by me, support me


Denied, despised

I stopped looking, I stopped searching

I shut my eyes, shut out the world


In hatred, in despair

I learned 

Valuable lessons



The secret

I’d been seeking all along


Calm, peace

Love, respect

I gained all


The world mirrors

My thoughts, my self esteem

The change must come from within


The day I stopped 

Seeking validation outside

I truly found myself

And discovered the beauty hidden inside


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1 comment

Bridges Galore- A poem about love and uniting people - Wordsopedia April 15, 2021 - 2:35 pm

[…] The bridge of faith […]


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