My Dreams and Hopes

by Chandra Sundeep

The divine guidance often comes when the horizon is the blackest. It was on one such day that I found the purpose of my life. I realized the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. From that moment on, I dedicated my life to the upliftment of society, eradication of societal evils, and most important of all… freeing my motherland.

We made history on 15th August 1947 by hoisting the tricolour for the very first time. However, my journey was cut short and I could not witness my country enjoy her freedom.

I lived and died for my nation. I never cared for rewards or recognition. But truth be told, I am no mahatma, and have always wondered… was it worth it?

And today, as I step on her soil on her 75th birthday, I hope to find the answers.


A burst of warm sunshine floods my soul and my heart swells with pride at the sight of beautiful buildings adorning the landscape. As I march along the clean roads lined with gigantic trees, my thoughts veer to the Victorian era when all this progress and development was a distant dream.

But dark clouds blanket my eyes as I witness abandoned animals and children, inequality, class divide, and discrimination.

Much to my relief, the clouds drift aside as kind-hearted people step into the sunlight, working selflessly for the betterment of society.

I always believed that the sum total of the energy of mankind is not to bring us down but to lift us up, and people have reaffirmed my faith.

Now I know… my struggles were not in vain.

I am certain when I come here for her 150th birthday, India would be the paradise on earth.


This story is part of ODE-8, hosted by ArtoonsInn.


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