The Peak of Love

by Chandra Sundeep

As all romance stories are meant to be, The Peak of Love is predictable and happy. In fact, right from the first few pages, the reader knows what to expect! It’s the typical boy-meets-girl story, where they fall in love and live happily forever after. But then, what makes it interesting is the underlying intent of the couple in question.

This is the third book in the Socialite series. The story takes place in the mesmerizing snowcapped Aspen Mountain.

Margot, a billionaire businesswoman, is a stickler for routines and checklists. She prefers to stay within the expected boundaries and follow rules. Margot aspires to take over their family business and has formulated the perfect sunscreen. Her father approves her business idea, but is unsure if she can lead the plan. Margot’s greatest flaw is her inability to ‘follow through.’ Her friends Iris and Winnie help her come up with a plan to help her meet her father’s conditions. While holidaying in Aspen, Margot and her friends dash (literally and figuratively!) into a trio – Luke, Richard and Brent.

Luke Devereaux is a tattooed, rugged guy; an NHL player currently off the team because of some personal issues. He is a laid back, and fun guy – the exact opposite of Margot. His life’s mantra is to have a “loose grip.”

In her plan of achieving ‘follow through’ she decides to date a guy, the same guy for 21 days. And that’s a challenging task for her. Luke seems to be the perfect fit, and in no time the duo is spending a lot of time together–skiing, dining, even dancing. Both of them develop genuine feelings for each other. Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as it seems to the eye. There’s a web of deceit underneath. And the truth if and when revealed is sure to hurt both Margot and Luke.

Though it’s a light fun read, I couldn’t connect much with the book. There is a tension, a spark, elements of fun and romance in the book, but despite all that the result was flat. The entire premise of ‘committing to 21 days relationship’ in order to grab an important business deal made little sense to me either, but then it’s fiction, and anything can happen!

Not my preferred book, but might connect with some other reader.

Thanks to Book Sirens for the advance reader copy.

Wordsopedia rating 3/5

Title: The Peak of Love Author: Langley Gray
Publisher: Bisico Press Publication date: March 15, 2021
Genre: Fiction–Romance Format: eBook, Paperback
ASIN: B08XN3N5DD No. of Pages: 138

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About the Author

After spending time in the varied industries of fashion, film, and finance, Langley Gray traveled the world and was lucky enough to marry her own leading man. Three kids and a house in the suburbs later, she decided to add some adventure back into #thatminivanlife by finally pursuing her dream of writing fiction.

Get in touch with the author on her website.

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