2020 – No Hard Feelings

by Chandra Sundeep

Dear 2020

We are at the fag end of your life and what better way to bid farewell than writing a letter. As you leave, I am left with bitter-sweet feelings, for you have been nothing like the other years of my life.

There is so much I want to tell you, share with you, so let me begin by apologizing. The entire humanity has cursed you a lot. You have been the target of numerous memes, some funny and many mean. The year has no doubt been tough on many; families separated, jobs lost, rise in poverty, domestic violence and abuse; but then the fault is not yours. It is ours…
I wouldn’t blame you, rather I am thankful to you.

Amidst all the gloom, you have taught me the biggest lessons of all – importance of gratitude and minimalism. I am filled with deepest gratitude for the blessings which have been showered upon me. You have taught me to be thankful for my family and friends who make my life more beautiful. I have realised the importance of prayer and belief in a supreme power. I have come to realise we can do with fewer trips to malls, a simple home cooked meal is more than enough and ultimately being together, being connected is all that matters.

No doubt, children have been confined at home. Rather than moaning about it, I am thankful to you for this as well. It has been the best year as I have spent a lot of time with my daughters. We have used the opportunity to hone our skills. Game nights are the norm, and cooking is now a family activity.  As parents, we are trying our best to ensure children see the positive side of this calamity. 20 years later, they might say 2020 was the best year of our lives – our parents spent time with us!

No doubt, the suffering the world has seen this year has been like no other, but I say goodbye to you with no hard feelings.

A grateful friend
Published first at Pink Comrade
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