Butter Than Therapy

by Chandra Sundeep

Butter Than Therapy


Gabriella never wanted to be a baker, but had recently succumbed to her therapist’s advice. “Ugh! I hate that manipulative woman… How’s running a bakery the solution?”

It had only been a week since she opened ‘P-Nut-World,’ yet it was already the talk of the town.

The air inside her shop wafted with a delightful aroma. Her mouth watered as she surveyed the delicacies: glazed muffins, tiered cakes, wholesome sandwiches, and nutty brownies.

Unlike other bakers, Gabriella used only peanut butter in all her recipes. No one, except Gabriella and her therapist, knew the reason behind this unusual choice.

As she opened the door, hungry customers poured in, eager to taste her creations. Within a few hours, all the shelves were wiped clean. Forcing a smile, Gabriella nodded her thanks when someone said, “Your peanut butter is the best in the world!”

While Gabriela loved serving her customers, sometimes she couldn’t shake a twinge of envy. Unlike them, she hadn’t tasted any of her creations because she was afraid of peanut butter sticking to the roof of her mouth!

“Never say never,” Gabriella repeated her therapist’s mantra, and busied herself roasting peanuts to make the world’s best peanut butter.


Arachibutyrophobia – the fear of having peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.

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Suchita Agarwal September 9, 2024 - 12:18 pm

Huh what an unusual way of getting over a fear – also what an unusual fear. Not a big fan of peanut butter but I love that title :D

Chandra Sundeep September 9, 2024 - 7:02 pm

Haha! Am not a fan of peanut butter either, but the phobia sounded cool. Lol!


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