Flushed Fusion Fizz

by Chandra Sundeep
Flushed Fusion Fizz

Some people hate lizards or roaches, but Sam wasn’t one of them.

She disliked kids and treated them as one would treat a mucous-soaked tissue. Her aversion was not without reason, though. All those bratty, spoilt kids in malls and planes had terrorised her so much that she had vowed to never have kids. She even refused to visit friends who had kids, but when an important client invited her to meet his family, Sam couldn’t refuse. If this guy signs the revised contract, the corner office will finally be mine!

Thus, on a Saturday evening, Sam found herself driving towards his seaside villa carrying an expensive wine bottle, a fancy bouquet, and some gift her secretary had picked up for the seven-year-old.

When a short blond girl opened the door, Sam was taken aback.

“Good evening, Ms. George. I’m Kelly.” Pressing a handmade welcome card into her hand, Kelly led her into a stylishly decorated living room overseeing the sea.

“Thank you for coming, Sam.” The host beamed widely while examining the label on the wine bottle. Mrs. Hawthorne thanked Sam for the flowers and placed them in a crystal vase. Sam now knelt in front of Kelly. “I hope you like this.”

“Thank you. What did you get me?”

Cursing herself for not paying attention when her secretary was rambling on about the gift, Sam said, “Why don’t you see for yourself?”

“I love surprises. Thank you once again.” Kelly bounced up the stairs as the host appeared with three margaritas.

“You have a beautiful home.” Sam settled on the outdoor lounge chair, sipping the margarita. It was a little too strong for her taste. “This is just perfect!” Sam was enjoying the conversation and the drinks when Kelly’s head popped in through the door. “Mum, may I please take a cookie?” Such a well-behaved child.

On the way back to her bedroom, Kelly stopped by once again. “Thank you for the gift, Ms. George. I love it!”

I guess I’ve been harsh. All kids may not be intolerable. Sam took another sip and thought, maybe someday I could have this too… a well-mannered child. 

Kelly’s tender voice pulled her out of her reverie. “Mum, Ms. George got me this beach-themed kitchen set.” In her hand was a plastic tumbler with a little plastic umbrella swimming in it. “Would you like to try a drink? I’ve made this especially for you.”

Ugh, this tastes like boiled socks. “Mmm…” Sam rubbed her stomach and smacked her lips, dreaming of a day when she would enjoy such make-believe games with her child.

“Can I get you some more?”

An indulgent smile spread across Sam’s face. “Oh, I’d love to have more. But you’ve to tell me your secret recipe.”

Kelly’s eyes sparkled as she rubbed her palms. “First, I poured a little orange juice into the glass. Then I added chocolate syrup. And then,” she whispered, “a little water from the fish tank, and a little from the potty.”



Flushed Fusion Fizz is my submission for #PullTheRug2, a prompt based writing contest organised by ArtoonsInn.

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