The Golden Years

The Many Joys of Living a Good Long Life

by Chandra Sundeep
Cover picture of The Golden Years by Ruskin Bond

Ruskin Bond is one of my favourite authors. While this review might appear biased, I assure you it is not. The Golden Years–The Many Joys of Living a Good Long Life is a fabulous read and deserves all the praise in the world.

This book is special to me for two reasons–First, of course, it is by a beloved author. And secondly, it is an autographed copy that I won as part of an Instagram giveaway.

In this book, Bond shares vignettes from his life, starting from early childhood days to the present. In the introductory note, the author states,

This book is about growing old and liking it.

This book is inspiring on so many levels. I paused often to ponder over the words, absorb their magic, and just contemplate on my journey. That’s the power of Bond’s writing.

To say I loved this book would be an understatement. One thing’s for sure, I would be returning to this book often, to seek guidance, to reflect, and to learn to enjoy life more fully.

I wish I could quote all the lines that stirred my heart and soul. But that’s an impossible task, so I am being as selective as it is possible.

There’s a certain joy in writing, in putting words down on paper and creating a story or a poem or a novel or even a memoir: and if no one else enjoys what you have composed, never mind, you have done it for yourself and your own pleasure.

Don’t wait for your birthday. Make today your birthday.

Don’t put off your plans, your creative works, the project of your dreams. If you delay and prevaricate, they will fade away, become castles without foundation.

Avoid quarrelsome people. They vitiate the environment.

Better to welcome the approaching wind, become one with it, and allow it to take you where it will.


There are 60 chapters in this book. Each chapter is just 2-3 pages long, but it’s worth its weight in gold.

This is undoubtedly one of the most memorable books I’ve ever read. Thank you, Mr. Bond for sharing these pearls of wisdom with the world. I highly recommend The Golden Years–The Many Joys of Living a Good Long Life. It’s a book that everyone should read.


Wordsopedia Rating 5/5

Title: The Golden Years–The Many Joys of Living a Good Long Life Author: Ruskin Bond
Publisher: HarperCollins India Publication date: 19 May 2023
Genre: Non-Fiction Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789356990616 No. of Pages: 168

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