Border Crossers

by Chandra Sundeep
Cover picture of Border Crosseers by Bhaskar Roy

Border Crossers by Bhaskar Roy is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of issues such as illegal immigration, identity, religious fanaticism, and societal divides. The story intricately captures the human desire to survive against overwhelming odds, making it both gripping and poignant.

The narrative follows Rita, an undocumented immigrant from Bangladesh, as she navigates the harsh realities of life in an unwelcoming country. Hiding her true identity under a false name, she finds work as a cook in the household of Arijit Basu, a retired diplomat. This job offers her a flicker of hope in an otherwise bleak existence.

Arijit’s world, along with that of his long-term friend and fiancée Nandita, contrasts sharply with Rita’s. As the plot unfolds, the story delves into the challenges Rita faces in a refugee colony filled with danger, where her only hope is to escape before things take a turn for the worse.

Roy’s storytelling is masterful. He uses rich and evocative prose to tie together the lives of seemingly unconnected characters. The layered narrative offers a realistic character development that reflects the various strata of society. The relationship between Arijit, Rita, and Nandita is well drawn, with each character’s motivations and struggles contributing to the story’s emotional depth. The pacing is well-balanced, allowing readers to absorb the complexities of the narrative while staying engaged throughout.

A thread of authenticity runs through the entire novel, whether it’s depicting the hardships faced by immigrants, the sharp contrast between the privileged and the marginalized, or the growing tensions of religious intolerance, extremism, and nationalism. Roy succeeds in showcasing the deep divides in society, both physical and emotional, encapsulating the complexity of the immigrant experience and the broader societal issues that shape it.

I loved the title Border Crossers as it is fitting not only for the physical boundaries crossed by the characters but also for the emotional and psychological borders that divide people. It serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggles faced by immigrants and marginalized groups, making the book a timely and essential read.

Border Crossers is an impactful novel, shedding light on the challenges of migration while exploring themes of human resilience, identity, and societal divisions.


Wordsopedia Rating–4.45/5


Title: Border Crossers Author: Bhaskar Roy
Publisher: Hachette India Publication date: 12 September, 2024
Genre: Fiction Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789357319492 No. of Pages: 352

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