Lost Edges

by Chandra Sundeep
Cover picture of Lost Edges by Salini Vineeth

Lost Edges by Salini Vineeth delves into the contemporary romantic journey of a young couple. However, this narrative deviates from the typical ‘boy meets girl, happily ever after’ tale. The eloquent storytelling delves into critical themes such as child abuse, mental health, and trauma.

Geetanjali and Ravi’s love story begins during their time as classmates at BITS Goa. Their friendship, seemingly improbable, blossoms into a deep romance. Sadly, their relationship faces an unexpected end, leaving Ravi heartbroken and his life shattered. An unforeseen calamity worsens his situation, pushing him to rock bottom. It is at this point that Geetanjali re-enters his life, becoming his pillar of support and caretaker, first as a girlfriend and later as a wife. Nonetheless, a decade later, their lives reach a pivotal juncture, forcing them to make tough choices.

Let’s start with the initial impression—the cover. It truly captivated me. I adored it so much that I placed an order for the physical copy of the book. And much to my joy, Salini graciously sent me an autographed edition.

Lost Edges by Salini Vineeth


The title piqued my interest, and within the pages, I discovered the perfect rationale behind it. This story couldn’t have had a more fitting title.

Salini takes the readers on a journey across India, touching all four corners. Her descriptive and immersive writing brings the various cities to life.

The meticulously crafted characters are realistic to the core. It was easy picturing the characters in their setting, and I automatically formed a bond with them. Salini has masterfully portrayed the impact of Ravi’s troubled upbringing on his life. Similarly, Geetanjali’s relationship with her parents, the burden of her mother’s expectations, her desire to take care of Ravi, career aspirations are skillfully woven.

Salini’s narrative covers several serious themes and is sensitively balanced.

The alternating timelines and dual characters lend an intriguing perspective and depth to the narration.

Salini breaks stereotypes by avoiding a typical happy ending, yet still being realistic and optimistic..

I am nit-picking here, but the story dragged for a bit in the middle. It was going in circles and felt slightly repetitive.

Crafted in an uncomplicated style, Lost Edges is a beautiful and heartwarming tale. A must-read for enthusiasts of simple and enchanting love stories. Highly recommended!


Click here to read my reviews of Salini’s Magic Square and Everyday People.


Wordsopedia Rating 4/5

Title: Lost Edges Author: Salini Vineeth
Publisher: Self-published Publication date: 19 April 2023
Genre: Fiction—Contemporary Romance Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9789358111019 No. of Pages: 280

Buy your copy here on Amazon

About the author

Salini Vineeth is a fiction writer, and a travel blogger based out in Bangalore, India. Salini is a history buff and an ardent fan of mystery novels. One of her proudest achievements is completing the entire Sherlock Holmes works by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. She adores Sherlock Holmes.

She also has travelled across India, visiting most of the historical destinations. Salini also takes a keen interest in ancient Indian architecture and philosophy.

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