Unspoken – A Bouquet of Short Stories

by Chandra Sundeep
Unspoken - book cover image

Unspoken – A Bouquet of Short Stories is a debut by Sadhana Wadhwa. Seven short stories are a part of this colourful bouquet. It’s a quick read, and I finished reading the book in an hour’s time.

The cover picture is calming and soothing., and suits the title to the T.

Deliverance, the first story brought tears to my eyes. Shradha, the protagonists’ dilemma, emotional trauma, guilt and finally her ability to let go of the emotional baggage and embrace happiness made this a heart-warming tale. I also liked ‘The date’ which ended on a positive note.

Unfinished business is the story of losing and finding love. Though narrated well, I could not connect much with the story.

Stella is a story of a friendship between two girls which brushes upon the topic of LGBTQ. It could have been dealt with the sensitivity required and unfortunately felt disconnected.

Three to Tango, and The doll were interesting reads. Though A twist of fate was intriguing, I felt the author gave away the ending halfway through. Unfortunately, it was a predictable read for me.

All the seven stories in this anthology revolve around human emotions. It’s a short collection, narrated in a simple language. My only complaint would be the repetitive theme of lost love. I was looking for more variety in the bouquet.

Thank you Blogchatter and Sadhana Wadhwa for giving me this book to read and share a review.

Wordsopedia rating 3/5

Title: Unspoken – A Bouquet of Short Stories Author: Sadhana Wadhwa
Publisher: Self-published Publication date: November 5, 2019
Genre: Fiction Format: eBook
ASIN: B0813LQP8B No. of Pages: 37

Buy your copy here at Amazon

About the author

Sadhana Wadhwa is a bookworm, writer, book reviewer, blogger and an IT Professional.

Her works have appeared in several prestigious anthologies like Amravati Poetic Prisms

and A Book Called Home, among others. When not reading books, she likes to spend

time writing, playing games, online window shopping or simply lazing around.

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