‘Six Metres of Pavement’ by Farzana Doctor is a heart-warming story of strangers brought together by fate—the one common thread between them being…
Fweeeeeet… a whistle escaped my mouth as I sashayed into the bride’s room. She looked resplendent in her maroon kanjeevaram* saree. With intricate…
What is a drabble? Drabble is a 100-word story, and like every form of story it has a beginning, middle and end. They…
The Anatomy of Scars written by Arjun Raj Gaind is a work of fiction based on real events surrounding the Operation Blue Star,…
A fortnight ago, a weedy woman lay moaning in a hospital room. Plastered from head to toe, her broken frame was invoking curious…
As a mom to two young girls, if there’s anything I have learnt about parenting, it is that parenting is a lifelong journey…
“Uh oh!” Little Pip scrunched his cute button nose as he entered the kitchen, “eggy! yucky!” His elder sister Pat and father Rob…
Born to dream – a winner’s book anthology published by Poetry Planet is a book of dreams and aspirations. It is a dream…
Lockdown Diaries: My COVID Experience is a collection of prose, short stories, and poetries written by over 100 participants. March 2020 was when the…
We all want to run away from uncomfortable situations, searching for the shelter which promises to keep us out of harm’s way. Alas,…