Everyday People

by Chandra Sundeep
Book cover image

Everyday People is a collection of 8 short stories, and true to its title, it is about people we meet and know in our daily lives. The bright colors and the cover design tempted me to pick up this book. And thankfully, the book did not disappoint me.

It’s a delightful and eclectic motley of emotions, values and experiences. Some stories made me nostalgic, while a few provoked me to ponder upon the lives we are leading. Few stories have an unexpected twist, which makes it an interesting read.

Though every story in this collection is delightful in its own manner, my personal favorites are The Craving, The First Steps, and The Ugly Indian.

Lady of the house is about the patriarchal society we live in, where in a woman is looked down upon even after shining in the corporate world. “I might have become a millionaire, but the regressive patriarchy never changes.”

Beyond The Wall reflects the socio-economic disparities through the eyes of Chikku who wonders about the world beyond the wall. The Surprise Gift is a heart-warming narration with a beautiful message. The Blue Light is a sad story of a bachelor struggling to survive alone in the city, the twist in the end is totally unexpected.

With her simple and to the point narrative, Salini has woven a collection which is closer to reality. A good collection of easy to read interesting stories.

Wordsopedia Rating 3.5/5

Title: Everyday People Author: Salini Vineeth
Publisher: Amazon Publication date: October 2, 2019
Genre: Fiction Format: Kindle
ASIN: B07YNGV1CK No. of Pages: 39

Buy your copy here at Amazon

About the Author

Salini Vineeth is a fiction and freelance writer based in Bangalore. She has worked for ten years as an engineer before turning to full-time writing in December 2018. Since then, she has published four books – Magic Square (novella), Everyday People ( short story collection), travel guides for Hampi and Badami. She has also published several stories on anthologies by Eka Publications, The Hive, Anonymous Writer, and Literatures Light.

Get in touch with the author at Facebook, or on her website

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