
Winning Poems Antholgy

by Chandra Sundeep
Spotlight by Poetry Planet

Spotlight, the winning anthology is a collection of poems published by Poetry Planet Publishing House.

Spotlight, the winning anthology is the compilation of all the winning poems from the various poetry contests. It included winning poems from the Word challenge or monthly picture prompt challenge where the poets are given a word or picture as a prompt. In the Daily poetry challenge, poets write poems inspired by a picture or word, or phrase given as the prompt. Similarly, there is a song challenge where the poets write poetry inspired by a song or the Ekphrastic poetry form challenge where poets are to give a vivid detail as a poem with the given a famous painting or any other work of art.

Three of my poems are a part of this anthology.


Poetry Planet Publishing House


Spotlight, the winning anthology is available in both paperback and kindle editions. You can purchase your copy here at Amazon.

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