A Mixed Bag

Best of #Minitales, Vol 2.0

by Chandra Sundeep
Cover picture of A Mixed Bag - Best of #Minitales, Vol 2.0. 

Revenge served on a platter.

Why aren’t boys allowed to cry?

Silent Victim.

Holiday-21st century style

Humans or Devils?

These are the titles of my mini tales which are a part of A Mixed Bag – Best of #Minitales, Vol 2.0. 

Published by The Hive, this eclectic collection features stories by various authors. The stories are delightful and a pleasure to read. You will cry, laugh and even dread at the twists these tales take.

A Mixed Bag – Best of #Minitales, Vol 2.0.  was brought out in December 2021 and is available for purchase on Amazon.

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